Welcome to LKB Instruments
LKB Instruments Australian Service and Support Centre can offer assistance with your LKB, EG&G, Wallac, Packard, Canberra Technologies, Berthold, Perkin Elmer, Hidex LSC, Beta and Gamma Counter. An Isotope Removal Service to dispose of the Internal Standard, such as, Radium 226, Barium 133 when the Instrument is no longer required.
Products & Services
LKB Instruments provides Scientific Instruments for the Nuclear Medicine / PET, Defence, Hospital, Biotech, Mining, Research and University sectors
Environmental Products

We offer the Triathler Multilabel Tester combines three detection technologies...
Homeland Security

We offer Full range including C14, 3H, Background and all Gamma Calibrators in Vial...
LKB Instruments Australian Service and Support Centre can offer assistance
We offer assistance with your LKB, EG&G, Wallac, Packard, Canberra Technologies, Berthold, Perkin Elmer, Hidex LSC, Beta and Gamma Counter.
An Isotope Removal Service to dispose of the Internal Standard, such as Radium 226, Barium 133, when the Instrument is no longer required.